特別講義のお知らせ(10/14より全6回): Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics (Prof. Frédéric Gillot)

講義名: Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics (対象:学部生, 大学院生)
講師: Prof. Frédéric Gillot, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, 慶應義塾 海外特別招聘准教授
Abstract: Main purpose for this group of lectures is to provide students with strong knowledge on heat transfer phenomenon for their research. First lecture will
mainly deal with the general heat transfer problem. Second lecture will focus on conduction problems. Next two lectures will deal with convection problem. We will need fluid mechanics for that, which will be introduced and extend to fluid dynamics in the 6th lectures. The fifth lecture will present heat transfer through thermal radiation.

Six lectures topics (水曜日、土曜日の2限 10:45-12:15AM on Wed. & Sat.)
1st – Oct. 14th:(14-DR2) Heat transfer general problem
2nd – Oct. 18th:(14-DR2) Conduction
3rd – Oct. 21st:(14-3,64) Fluid mechanics and convection part 1
4th – Oct. 25Th:(14-DR2) Convection part 2
5th – Oct. 28Th:(14-DR3) Thermal radiation heat transfer
6th – Nov. 1st:(14-DR2) Computational fluid dynamics
